michigan statutory will

blog, news

If you are in Michigan, you are probably already familiar with the Michigan statutory will. That little piece of paper is there to give you the legal rights to use your property, such as your home, without having to go through a court process. The law has been changed by the state of Michigan. It’s […]

first time offense possession controlled substance in mississippi


This was my first offense possession controlled substances in mississippi, and the last time I had my hands on a gun. I’m grateful that this was my first offense possession controlled substances, because I was able to get off without being arrested and I’m not really sure what I’m going to do next time. If […]

seeger law office


When I was a kid, my mom would always keep us very careful about what we looked like, and that made me very cautious about what we looked like. I’d never really think about what my parents looked like, and I never really thought about the clothes they were wearing, or my parents’ names, or […]

michigan smoking law


Michigan is one of those states where it’s illegal to purchase and sell cigarettes outside of the state. That means that people who live in Michigan can’t smoke inside of their homes. That means if you live in Michigan and live in a home that is a smoker’s home, you may not be permitted to […]

michigan criminal codes


Michigan has some of the strictest criminal laws in the country. They are also the ones that are most frequently violated by the police. The reason: these laws ensure that police are not allowed to take and use your personal information without your knowledge. Your personal information is worth significantly more than what you pay […]

surgery lawyers

blog, news

I’m not necessarily a big fan of lawyers. I have two close friends who are both lawyers, and they are both great people. They are well-educated and well-mannered, but I don’t think they have much of an ability to do anything outside of what they are told. I’ve also seen lawyers who are more than […]

3m attorneys


No kidding. That is the third level of self-awareness you have to take when it comes to making decisions in life, you know. It isn’t a thing. It is also a thing. It is a process. The main thing that makes it so valuable to you and your family is that your choices are being […]

paternity attorney


I have been a father for almost 3 years now and I can honestly say that I have never felt so “selfish” about something. I recently became a father myself and I feel like it has made me more compassionate towards my child. I understand and accept that I will go through this for the […]

divorce attorney’s


One of the questions that we often asked attorneys was the question “what is the state of wills and trusts?” This question was often followed by the question “what happens in divorce?” In a divorce, the court can decide which of the parties should have a say in what happens to their marital property. Also, […]

the chairman sex


This is a good example of how self-aware your thoughts and actions can help you to learn how to act well, and to find new ways to perform them effectively. We’ve all heard the old saying, “The best way to learn about something is to try it,” but you have to realize that the best […]