lady bird deed taxes


I really love lady birds. They are a pretty easy bird to get, and as a result, they are very affordable. I can’t tell you how many times I have encountered them at the feeder. They are a reminder to me that I am not alone in my bird world. Lady birds are a species […]

michigan motorcycle laws


We see motorcycle riders everywhere. Sometimes we see them just doing their thing. Sometimes we see them in the rain. Sometimes we see them in the rain, wearing their biker gear. We see them on their bikes and we see them on their bikes. They are everywhere. This is true, but it’s also true that […]

breaking entering


All of our homes are the same. We walk through the front door and we enter the home as if we were already in there. How we enter a home affects the way that we leave. By not entering the home as if you are already in it, you will not have to think about […]

protection order michigan


I am not a lawyer, and this quote does not constitute a legal opinion. I am providing you with my personal opinion about what this order means and what the ramifications are. There are some things that you can do to avoid being dragged into a protection order. Although these things are not legal, I […]

2 points on license michigan


MICHIGAN GASOLINE REGISTER (MG) is a regulatory system that regulates the number of cars on a state’s highway system. The state has a goal of having a minimum number of cars per lane. On an average day, there are approximately 2,100 cars on the highway in Michigan, and that doesn’t include the cars that are […]

deposition without an attorney


When the police arrested or arrested your friend, they used the word “deposition” or “depositional” to describe what happened. In all of my years of being arrested and charged, deposition has never come up. Why? Because our legal system requires that a person be represented. And a deposition is not a meeting between two parties […]

mild hie symptoms


When it comes to hie symptoms, I feel that the best thing to do is to just avoid them. So I feel that mild symptoms like achy shoulders and aching backs really are just a phase. If I am experiencing symptoms, I am much better off just avoiding them. There are a few things that […]