Will suing for emotional distress in michigan Ever Die?


I know that the lawyers know a thing or two about emotional distress, but I still cannot get over the idea that the plaintiff was actually suing for emotional distress, not for money. The plaintiff is a woman named Susan and her husband had a car accident and was in the hospital for five days. […]

The Biggest Trends in retail fraud We’ve Seen This Year


This particular issue has been a real problem for retailers for a long time. How do you prevent it from happening? Of course, you have to use common sense and be on the lookout for signs of in-house fraud. First, you want to stay away from chain stores. These stores are known for having a […]

atv accident attorney


I am sorry to hear that you were in an accident. Your accident attorney can help you file a personal injury case and then get treatment for the injuries. A personal injury case is one where you can sue the person who caused your injuries. This person could be a car accident, fall from a […]

michigan department of corrections parole board


I was surprised to learn that a Michigan-based corrections department works with the state parole board to help people get off parole if they haven’t completed their probation. This is because parolees can have a “negative” influence on someone who is in prison. For those in the Michigan department of corrections, it is their job […]

free dna testing in michigan


How does DNA testing in Michigan compare to other states’ testing? In general, DNA testing in Michigan is much more advanced than in other states. It’s also generally cheaper. Some companies do offer DNA testing in Michigan, and that’s definitely a perk given the state’s size. When it comes to testing DNA in Michigan, you […]

the property of a lady


The fact is that it’s a lady’s property, which makes it her property and not a man’s. The property of a lady is defined by her status in society and by the social conventions that define her. A lady is an unmarried woman. It is a mark of social superiority to be unmarried, and unmarried […]